Monday, January 31, 2011

I heart Noah.

My little man is almost nine months old! How did that happen?

Sunday, January 30, 2011

The Simple Things-Car Wash

Tristan's newest obsession is car washes. Last week my mom took him to see her car getting washed. Then the next day he happened to see a Handy Manny episode where they fixed a car wash. Now he is constantly playing car wash. Yesterday we went for a walk, pushing his yellow bus. A few blocks from home he stopped to wash the car with "bubbles" ie leaves and dirt. He covered the car with leaves and dirt and used them to scrub it clean. Needless to say he needed to be cleaned by the time he was done, he had dirt in his nostrils.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

The Simple Things-About to Crawl

My little man is about the crawl! He gets up on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth like he's ready to launch forward. He can stay that way for about 2 minutes. Eventually his chubby tummy falls back down the ground and he reverts to, The Airplane (arms and legs straight out rocking back and forth on his tummy). Its only a matter of time before he is up and moving. Life is about to change...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

New Friends

While we were in Mexico the boys got to make some new friends. One day we went to the park with Tia Mariana, Baby Ana, our new friends Octavio and Juan Pablo, and their mom Delia. The little ones slept most of the time but Tristan and Octavio, who are only 3 months apart, had a blast. The relationship started off slowly because both the boys are a little on the shy side but once they got to know each other they were off...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Star is Born

Lately Tristan has really been into music. He got instruments from his Grandma and he is into singing and dancing. Usually he sings, "The Wheels on the Bus," or "Old McDonald," but tonight he made up his own song. He asked me to help him find his microphone and once he had it he began to sing about anything he saw. It went something like this, "Oh, cars, or racecars, or elmo, or animals... It was so cute, he swayed back and forth while he sang. He's my little star on the rise.

Edgar has started teaching Noah how to sing too. He'll be singing before he can talk:)

Monday, January 17, 2011

Winter Wonderland

Last week it snow a TON here in Denver but it was also VERY cold so we didn't get outside much to play in it. By the time we did get outside most of the snow had melted, but Tristan did have fun making snowballs to throw at me.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Newest Member of the Diaz Clan

While I was in Mexico I got to meet the newest member of the Diaz clan, my niece, Ana Maria. She was such a sweet, happy, little lady and she let me take a TON of pictures of her. I have over 70!! Here are my favorites.

Christmas at Mariana and Yeyo's

After opening all the presents that Santa brought to Abuelito and Abuelita's house we went over to Tia Mariana and Tio Yeyo's house to see what Santa brought the boys there.

Noah also received presents from Santa (Mariana and Yeyo) but the little guy slept right through the opening of the them.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Christmas Morning

This post is extremely late but better late than never, right? When Tristan woke up Christmas morning he didn't remember on his own what day it was but it didn't take much reminding for him to be up and ready to check the tree for his presents. Boy did he make out good! And this is AFTER he already got presents in Denver before we headed to Mexico.

The night before we left cookies and milk for Santa.

Tristan helped Noah open his presents.

Then he ripped open his own which were mostly....
you guessed it, CARS. (He isn't hard to shop for.)

Noah enjoyed is stackable cubes.

We didn't have a mantle to hang the stocking on but that didn't stop Santa from stuffing them.

After playing with his new toys for a few minutes Noah got distracted by the spice rake. So much for spending money on actual toys, ordinary objects are just as much fun.

Look at all their loot!

And more...

and more...

and more..

My goodness and the Three Kings still have to come in a few days!